Sign up for score club!

Score club is a great way to get to know symphonic music on a deeper level. Each month or so, we will choose a piece or two that we love,( and we are sure that you will love too) and give you all the tools you will need to start digging into the music in an intimate, and meaningful way. No prior musical background is necessary, as our wonderful team members will be there every step of the way!

Sign up with your email, and we will send you a link to a personalized site with tons of information, tips for how to listen/what to listen for, recordings, and even the music itself. We always try to pick music that is rich with meaning, fits with our season theme, represents our communities, and is interesting and unique. We will hit on the great masters of the past and present, and introduce composers that you may have never heard of!

The best thing about score club is that like a book club, after we have all had time to fall in love with the music, we will all get together and talk about it! Sign up to the right and start getting to know music like you have never known it before!